Release notes

Release date: 20 August 2024


  • PDF 2.0 is now supported to a limited extent.
    PAC currently fully supports documents up to and including PDF standard 1.7.
    Documents based on newer standards are processed according to a "best try" approach. It is possible that errors or unreliable results may occur.
  • The screen reader preview now properly shows all types of annotations and their values
  • The contrast of text and soft hyphens in the screen reader preview has been improved
  • Translations have been tweaked

Bug fixes

Different small bugfixes

Release date: 18 April 2024.


  • Comprehensive improvements to the internal functioning of the checks
  • New Dutch translation and improved translations into other languages
  • You can now select the language in which PAC is displayed
  • PAC appears as small as possible on small screens
  • The text fields for titles and filenames have tooltips
  • You can copy the entire title/filename, even if it has been shortened
  • You can double-click on individual checks on the main form (summary) to open the report form with the section already selected and expanded
  • You can use the ESCAPE button to close the screen reader preview window

Bug fixes

  • Many bug fixes as part of the internal improvements mentioned above

Release date: 1 February 2024.


  • PAC can be vertically resized.
  • Stabilization of PAC enables faulty documents to be partially checked, any checks that fail are marked.
  • In the screen reader preview, soft hyphens are highlighted to differentiate them from normal hyphens.
  • User displays consistently across all screen resolutions.

Bug fixes

  • The document language in the metadata is checked more precisely in accordance with the PDF/UA and WCAG specifications.
  • The report form displays pages with rotation more reliably.
  • Several smaller bugfixes.

Hotfix version

Release date: 5 December 2023.

The check Document language metadata is not ISO-compliant (WCAG) or Correctness of language attribute (Quality) was incorrect (too strict). In this hotfix, language attributes such as "en" (instead of "en-US") are also accepted.